Source: widgets/player/liveseeker.js

 * The Seeker can be used to fast-forward or rewind a media-player.
 * @example
 * var seeker = Seeker();
 * seeker.attach(function onSpeedChanged (newSpeed) {
 *      // do something with the newSpeed, e.g. update the fast-forward or rewind player controls button
 * }, function onCurrentTimeUpdated (currentTime) {
 *      // do something with the currentTime, e.g. update the scrub bar
 * }, function onSeek (position) {
 *      // do something with the position, e.g. communicate it to the TimeLineManager
 * });
 * // When the fast-forward player controls button is selected
 * seeker.fastForward();
 * // When the rewind player controls button is selected
 * seeker.rewind():
 * // When the play player controls button is selected (while seeking)
 * seeker.confirm();
 * // When the seek action should be cancelled/reverted
 * seeker.cancel();
 * // When the seeker is no longer used
 * seeker.detach();
define('application/widgets/player/liveseeker', [
], function (
) {
    'use strict';

    var application = RuntimeContext.getCurrentApplication(),
        config = application.getConfiguration().seeker || {},
        device = RuntimeContext.getDevice(),
        mediaPlayer = device.getMediaPlayer(),

         * Interval value in milliseconds.
         * @type {number} Milliseconds.
        INTERVAL = config.interval || 500,

         * Speed divisor used for calculating the effective currentTime mutation.
         * @type {number}
        DIVISOR = INTERVAL / 1000,

         * Pre-defined speed steps.
         * @type {string[]} Step.
        STEPS = config.steps
            || ['2',

         * The Seeker can be used to fast-forward or rewind a media-player.
         * @name product-layer.player.widgets.Seeker
         * @class
        Seeker = function () {

            this._playerStatus = null;
            this._onSpeedChanged = null;
            this._onCurrentTimeUpdated = null;

            this._steps = STEPS;
            this._interval = null;
            this._currentTime = null;
            this._speed = null;
            this._seekSteps = 0;


    Seeker.prototype = {

         * Returns the value of a speed step that is to be added to the currentTime.
         * @returns {number} Top be applied time mutation.
         * @private
        _getSpeedStep: function _getSpeedStepFn () {
            var steps = this._steps,
                speed = steps[Math.abs(this._speed) - 1],
                multiplier = this._speed < 0 ? -1 : 1;

            return speed * multiplier;

         * Handles speed changes.
         * @private
        _onSpeedChange: function _onSpeedChangeFn () {
            var onChangeVal = this._speed
                ? this._getSpeedStep()
                : null;

            if (this._onSpeedChanged) {

            } else {

                throw 'No _onSpeedChanged method defined.';

         * Handles current time changes.
         * @private
        _onCurrentTimeChange: function __onCurrentTimeChangeFn () {

            if (this._onCurrentTimeUpdated) {

                    relativePlaybackTime: this._relativePlaybackTime,
                    currentTime: this._currentTime
            } else {

                throw 'No _onCurrentTimeUpdated method defined.';

         * Stops the running interval.
         * @private
        _stopInterval: function _stopIntervalFn () {

            if (this._interval) {

                this._interval = null;

         * Stops the current seeking action.
         * @private
        _onStopSeeking: function _onStopSeekingFn () {

            this._speed = null;

         * Handles interval callbacks.
         * @private
        _onInterval: function _onIntervalFn () {
            var step;

            if (this._speed) {

                step = Math.round(DIVISOR * this._getSpeedStep()) * 1000;

                this._relativePlaybackTime += step;
                this._currentTime += step;
                this._seekSteps += step;


         * Starts the seeking interval.
         * @private
        _startInterval: function _startIntervalFn () {

            this._interval = setInterval(Utils.bind(this._onInterval, this)
                , INTERVAL);

         * Gets triggered when the seeking starts.
         * @private
        _onStartSeeking: function _onStartSeekingFn () {

            this._oldPlaybackTime = this._relativePlaybackTime;
            this._oldCurrentTime = this._currentTime;


         * Gets triggered right after seeking speed changes.
         * @private
        _onAfterSpeedMutation: function _onAfterSpeedMutationFn () {

            if (Math.abs(this._speed) <= this._steps.length) {

            } else { // Highest step passed, back to neutral state.


         * Gets triggered right before seeking speed changes.
         * @param {int} direction - Seeking direction.
         * @private
        _onBeforeSpeedMutation: function _onBeforeSpeedMutationFn (direction) {

            // Handle change of seeking direction
            if ((direction < 0 && this._speed > 0)
                || (direction > 0 && this._speed < 0)) {


            // Set speed to neutral position
            if (this._speed === null) {

                this._speed = 0;

         * Sets the speed steps.
         * @param {Array} steps - Speed steps.
        setSpeedSteps: function setSpeedStepsFn (steps) {

            this._steps = steps || STEPS;

         * Cancels the current seeking action.
        cancel: function cancelFn () {

            this._relativePlaybackTime = this._oldPlaybackTime;
            this._currentTime = this._oldCurrentTime;

         * Confirms the current seeking position as resume point.
         * @param {number} [time] - The time to seek to. Optional.
        confirm: function confirmFn (time) {
            var difference,

            if (time && time !== this._currentTime) {

                time = Math.round(time);

                difference = this._currentTime - time;
                this._seekSteps = -difference;
                this._relativePlaybackTime = time - this._startTime;
                this._currentTime = time;

            seekTo = mediaPlayer.getCurrentTime() + (this._seekSteps / 1000);

            this._speed = null;

                relativePlaybackTime: this._relativePlaybackTime,
                currentTime: this._currentTime,
                seekTo: seekTo

            this._seekSteps = 0;

         * Increase rewind seeking speed.
        rewind: function rewindFn () {

            if (!this.canSeek()) {


         * Increase fast forward seeking speed.
        fastForward: function fastForwardFn () {

            if (!this.canSeek()) {


         * Whether seeking is active or not.
         * @returns {boolean} Active.
        isActive: function isActiveFn () {

            return !!this._interval;

         * Returns whether seeking is allowed or not.
         * @returns {boolean} Can seek.
        canSeek: function canSeekFn () {

            return !!mediaPlayer.getSeekableRange();

         * Detaches the seeker from the media player.
        detach: function detachFn () {

            this._onSpeedChanged = null;
            this._onCurrentTimeUpdated = null;

            this._steps = null;
            this._interval = null;
            this._currentTime = null;
            this._duration = null;
            this._speed = null;

         * Sets the current program time.
         * @param {number} startTime - The start time of the program.
         * @param {number} endTime - The end time of the program.
         * @param {number} currentPlaybackTime - The current playback time.
        setProgramTime: function (startTime, endTime, currentPlaybackTime) {
            this._startTime = startTime;
            this._endTime = endTime;
            this._currentTime = currentPlaybackTime;

            this._relativePlaybackTime = currentPlaybackTime - startTime;

         * Returns the seek direction.
         * @returns {number} - Returns -1|1. 1 if the direction is forward, -1 if the direction is backwards.
        getDirection: function () {
            return this._speed > 0 ? 1 : -1;

         * Sets the current time.
         * @param {number} currentTime - The current time.
        setCurrentTime: function (currentTime) {
            this._currentTime = currentTime;

            this._relativePlaybackTime = currentTime - this._startTime;

         * Attaches the seeker on the media player.
         * @param {Object} opts - The attach options.
         * @param {Function} opts.onSpeedChanged - Handles on speed changed events.
         * @param {Function} opts.onCurrentTimeUpdated - Handles on current time updated events.
         * @param {Function} opts.onSeek - Gets triggered on confirming the seek action.
         * @param {Array} [opts.steps] - Steps used for the different speeds.
        attach: function attachFn (opts) {
            opts = opts || {};

            this._onSpeedChanged = opts.onSpeedChanged;
            this._onCurrentTimeUpdated = opts.onCurrentTimeUpdated;
            this._onSeek = opts.onSeek;

    return function () {

        if (!instance) {

            instance = new Seeker();

        return instance;
